Managing Work Papers (Government)
For many governments and government organizations, the audit process can be time consuming and expensive. Being better prepared means organizations can get more from their audit while managing costs more effectively.
Caseware helps government entities become more efficient with their record keeping and reporting. Any information documented is automatically synced with where it needs to go, reducing the potential for errors and inconsistencies. You can also link information to entries to provide easy access to support materials if asked questions in the future.
Your team can significantly decrease manual effort associated with both internal and external audit processes, while improving the transparency, consistency and quality of the outputs you create and receive. A single data source also allows you to conduct greater analyses on your operations– giving you better insights from which to make strategic decisions.
Key Benefits

Effective Collaboration
Allow team members to collaborate effectively on an engagement file in real time even when in different locations.

Reduce Errors
Leverage automation to ensure data is always consistent; when you make an adjustment, all affected information is updated.

Embedded Continuity
Automatically roll-forward identified client data from year to year to ensure continuity and reduce workload.

Accessible Data
Enhance engagement transparency and easily address questions by retaining all engagement information and supporting materials in one location.

Be collaborative. Be efficient.
The inability to collaborate on working papers can create time management issues during an audit.
Caseware leverages SmartSyncTM technology so that team members can collaborate on the same working papers file in real time. No more waiting as information is always consistent and up to date. Information is also available to team members at any time, eliminating the need to wait for files to be delivered or transferred,making finding files and support documents simple.
Reduce the Risk of Errors
When manual intervention is required as part of an audit process, the risk of error becomes greater. One adjusting journal entry might require numerous changes in other documents which need to be double-checked.
With Caseware, once you post the adjusting journal entry, it automatically updates everywhere the information is linked in your system – from your trial balance to your financial statements. This automatic linkage of information can cut down on both your error risk and your audit workload.

Put Information at Your Fingertips
When you are working with a large number of files, finding information that you need is a substantial chore.
Caseware puts all of your audit file information at your fingertips. With one source of data, you have immediate access to your trial balance and all supporting working papers quickly and simply. This makes the audit process completely transparent, with documents readily available if questioned. Searching for documents is also reduced to a click of a few keys, rather than hours of paper sifting.
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